About Conservatoires UK
CUK is the voice of conservatoire education in the UK. Our role is to develop best practice for training and education in the performing arts and to promote the sector’s excellence nationally and globally.

Why we matter
"Tradition must reinvent itself. Otherwise it is dead, dead and thrice dead." Karlheinz Stockhausen

CUK comprises of the Board which is represented by the members most senior lead, a Chair, Deputy Chair and a Lead.

Become a Member
To be considered for membership of Conservatoires UK, an institution will need to demonstrate they match the CUK membership criteria.

Conservatoires UK Student Network
The Conservatoires UK Student Network (CUKSN) was formed with the support of the CUK Board in 2013 by Student Union Presidents and student representatives of the UK conservatoires.

Research Integrity, Governance and Ethics
In this section you can read Conservatoires UK statement on Research Integrity and Governance and find out how to apply to the Conservatoires UK Research Ethics Committee.