Accessibility statement


We aim to ensure that this website gives all visitors of the public equal access. If you feel that the content on the site could be presented in a more accessible way, please contact us with your suggestions.

Browser Compatibility

The website is best viewed in Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera. You are advised to upgrade to the latest versions for the best user experience.

Changing the text size

If you find the text hard to read, you may wish to make it bigger.

Changing the text size If you find the text hard to read, you may wish to make it bigger.

Alternatively you can control text size through your internet browser:

In Firefox select


In Internet Explorer

select View>Text size

In Chrome select


Changing the colour and contrast of the website

See the BBC guide ‘My web, my way’ for information of how to setup your system to change colours and contrasts.

Images We aim to provide a description of every image in its alternative text tag.


Link text should make sense out of context and accurately describe the page it points to. You can use the tab key on your keyboard (as well as your mouse) to move from consecutive link to link.