Belonging, Equity & Diversity

Terms of Reference


  1. Representation. To act as CUK’s expert committee on Belonging, Equity & Diversity and to advise the Chair and Principal’s Committee accordingly.

  2. Information. To share information between member institutions and to explore common approaches to EDI and compliance with UK legislation on Equality and all included protected characteristics within and beyond the sector.

  3. Data. To monitor data on EDI including statistical analysis of current CUK student cohorts.

  4. Policies and Procedures. To share institutional approaches to Access, Unconscious Bias Training, Admissions procedures, Audition procedures, the use of Ambassadors, Programming and all relevant topics.

  5. Widening Participation. To share ways of challenging and removing barriers in access to conservatoire training at all levels especially from underrepresented groups.

  6. Student Support and Student Culture. To share approaches to supporting students from underrepresented groups to succeed in and progress from CUK member institutions.
  7. Curricula. To explore approaches to embedding EDI in a broad and inclusive curriculum that is relevant and engaging for all students.

  8. Performing Arts Industry. To contribute to an open dialogue with industry on how to expand representation from underrepresented groups.

  9. Staff. To discuss ways of diversifying the staff base of UK conservatoires and promoting a more equal workforce at all levels including senior positions.

  10. External input. To invite external experts and stakeholders to meetings to expand CUK’s understanding of best practice across the sector and beyond with regards to EDI. 

  11.  Communication. To promote CUK’s championing of EDI widely, and to encourage discussion and interaction within and between members.  

  12.  To undertake any other business to promote the Equality agenda. 

April 2021