Research & Knowledge Exchange

Terms of Reference
Trinity Laban – Photo by James Keates


The Research Forum monitors national and international developments within the Committee’s scope, including national and international developments in music research and national policies for research funding. 

The Forum:

  1. advises the CUK Board on issues of strategic importance to CUK members through the Committee Chair
  2. develops and recommends to the CUK Board for approval, joint projects and initiatives
  3. acts as advocates for the sector and responds on behalf of CUK to consultation exercises
  4. is a medium for sharing best practice


The Research Forum considers all matters relating to research and associated funding opportunities.  It provides national leadership in practice-based research with its associated Impact agenda and other areas specific to the conservatoire environment.  It investigates opportunities for research publication and dissemination, including those offered by the new technologies.  It interacts with both governmental and non-governmental funding bodies (such as the AHRC and HEFCE) and provides a forum for the sharing of good practice in the preparation of submissions to REF and equivalent assessment exercises.   It assists in developing initiatives around the student experience, including training and conference opportunities.


  1.  One member of the CUK Board (Chair)
  2. Two research active staff nominated by each CUK institution



  1. CUK Research Forum normally meets three times a year; occasional deputies are permitted.
  2. The Committee may invite any other person to attend its meetings for specific agenda items
  3. At each meeting the Committee uses the secretarial services of an additional member of staff from the host institution